Imagining Your Favourite Superheroes and Wizards on Their Daily Commute: A.I.-Generated Illustrations Bring Fictional Characters to Life

Julian is an artist who has gained fame for his work using A.I. technology. He recently presented a project that highlights the fact that famous people also have to deal with everyday things like taking public transportation.

For this project, Julian utilized A.I. to create images of well-known characters from popular movies and books, such as Superman and Harry Potter, in unconventional settings like buses and trains. He shared these images on his Instagram account, offering a unique glimpse into how these beloved heroes and wizards might spend their free time. The project is a fun and imaginative way to consider how fictional characters might exist in the real world, prompting us to reflect on our commonalities.

Batman riding subway
Joker riding the subway
Tired Superman riding subway
Wonderwoman riding the subway
Wonder Woman
Darth Vader rifing the subway
Darth Vader
Chewbaca riding the subway
Yoda riding the subway
Obi-wan Kenobi riding the subway
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Dumbledore riding the subway
Hagrid riding the subway
Harry Potter riding the subway
Harry Potter


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